Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Picture Box

We stopped sending our photographers to ribbon-cuttings and groundbreakings years ago. Here's a good example of what we used to publish – grim white men in shiny suits engaged in silly ritual. This was from the opening of the Franklin Mall in June 1970.


Ellipses said...

I think that's why the foundry floundered... yinz didn't cover the ribbon cutting...

I think it was that ribbon that was holding the retaining wall together

Anonymous said...

The Foundry foundered for "manifold" reasons. Some 250 or so feet below, the remains of the Manifold Mine workings did it in.

Strange how Washington--a town which could care less about its coal mining heritage--is slowly realizing that it mattered after all. Just in a negative way.

Anonymous said...

More make fun of business, make fun of the productive parts of society from the leftwiner Park.

Anonymous said...

If you're a productive part of society, you shouldn't need to have youyr picture in the paper for cutting ribbon.

Anonymous said...

So the only people in the paper should be the unproductive ones. Wow, great sentiment.