Monday, June 23, 2008

Home from Lithuania

Scroll down just a little and take a look at the last photo I posted, on June 5. That was of Dijana Kanciene and two of her daughters five years ago. I took this photo last week, which shows Dijana with the same two daughters: Santa, 17, who just graduated from high school, and Teresa, now 5.

A lot has changed in Lithuania in those five years, most of it for the better. But it's still a country with many problems. I'll be writing about it over the next two weeks, and introducing you to some of its people.

I'm sure few people are aware of this, but Lithuania is the geographic center of Europe. That's a rather dubious distinction that together with 3 litas will get any Lithuanian a large mug of beer. Nevertheless, it calls to mind that Europe encompasses much more than tourist attractions of Paris and Rome that bubble to the surface of the American mind.

So, we'll call this next series "The Center of Europe." It starts tomorrow.

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